
Early in 2025, we are releasing the final three episodes of RH Saga Season 1 on YouTube.

We would love to keep going with more videos beyond Season 1, but currently we don’t have the resources to do so. Thanks for all your encouragement and support throughout this first fledgling foray into the world of YouTubing!

This webpage used to host the PeakMath community, which was a forum for RH-related discussion, and a way for us to share extra material, like course notes, Sage code, and further reading beyond what’s in the videos. The community will not return, but we will find a way to publish this material again in the future.

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All the best,

Andreas and the PeakMath team



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There is a secret world out there. A hidden parallel universe of beauty and elegance, intricately intertwined with ours.
— Edward Frenkel, in Love and Math